aquarium design
Living art
Imagine a stunning tropical lake or stream running through your office. Or, a brightly-colored coral reef arrangement reproduced in your home much as you would see it diving into the ocean depths.
Real-life reproductions of aquatic life is what Aquascapes strives for every time we create an aquarium scene. We personally design aquariums to fit your space. We use the latest technology and combine it with colorful aquatic life to produce a living art-piece, changing every second into a new scene.
worry free set-up
We help determine the best location for your aquarium depending on size, shape and type - be it saltwater, reef, or freshwater. Then, cabinetry to house your aquarium and match your decor are selected. To keep your aquarium inhabitants healthy, we decide on the best quality lighting and filtration system. Next, superior aquascaping through the use of decorative rock, plants, gravel and coral lay the foundation for livestock. We only use colorful, compatible, quarantined livestock so your aquarium will thrive.
Clean & timely to make your life easier
Because Aquascapes will be up-keeping your aquarium - with over 30 years of experience - healthy water quality standards will be maintained. Cleaning, testing and treatment of the water as well as cleaning of decorations and all filtration equipment will be done every visit. We ensure that your aquarium will look as crystal clear and spotless as the day it was set-up. As part of the service, we provide proper diets for all your fish.